Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Selway Bitterroot Foundation needs your junk!

As you may know, I am working for the Selway Bitterroot Foundation, a non-profit that focuses on connecting the community to Wilderness through stewardship projects. The Foundation recently procured a shop area where we can store and work on our tools. We are in need of many things to outfit our shop, and most of it might be something you or someone you know would consider junk. I would greatly appreciate if you would read through the following list and consider if you or an acquaintance might have an item that you could dust off and donate to us.

work bench,

heavy duty enough to attach a vice


metal or wood free standing shelves

metal lock boxes

peg boards

storage and organizational equiptment i.e. plastic boxes etc.

old free standing kitchen cabinets

tape measure

hand or electric strew drivers



hand saws or electric saws


5 gallon buckets

scrap lumber

metal cabinet with locking ability

shop light

hardware, screws, hooks for peg board

plastic bins

old rags

electric heater

power strip

extension cord

saw horses

locking casters


electric sander

trash can


1 comment:

CR Otto said...

Just got the Boulder Creek e-mail! Imagine my surprise when I read: "For questions, please contact our Lead Wilderness Steward Rachel Kaufman at "

HA HA! Of course this just shows how bad I've been at keeping in touch :(
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't LOVE to catch up!!! I've been wanting to get over to MT for quite some time; a friend (Joe Roberts) is working at a cafe in Glacier and I just bought the Interagency Pass. Whee! Can you call me? My phone eats my saved contacts like they're candy. (208) 596-8423 in case you don't have mine either.

Peace to da Muddaland!