Tada Ima.
I am now home after another epic five weeks in Japan. Among MANY things, my visit included another pilgrimage to Hiroshima. Last year, I went to both Hiroshima and Nagasaki and while in Nagasaki wrote this poem in response to my feelings. I had intended to the leave the poem folded in a paper crane at the epicenter in Horishima last year but I didn't have enough time. I intended to leave it this year come hell or high water but I forgot the crane at Taylor's apartement in Kokura and had no written record of it with me. So I'll post it here in hopes that the ether will receive it instead.
We are bombing the whole
world to pieces. We have
forgotten the hours of August
so warm, so scorching hot,
that shadows burned so fiercely
that they clung to the walls
even as the sun fell down.
Memories have slipped away
Memories have slipped away
with the cobwebs of time
and the blasted scars have faded
into steel graves. New generations
push forth, squeaky clean.
Remind them of war.
Remind them of fog, gloom and hate.
Remind them of sunless days
shadowed with mushroom
clouds, of the fragile crust
of life and the tune of animosity.
For who can appreciate the beauty
of peace without knowing
the ugliness of war.