Saturday, December 08, 2007

Gray Mornings

I fell for it once and I
said I will never do that again.
I have an idea of what the results
should be. I have an idea of what
should be produced.

But there is a problem with
the methodology. There is a
disconnect between what should
and what will happen.

Been there, done that.
It did not work so why
bother? I am so emotional
I think I am going to bust
a vein. I am trying to navigate
through that.

So I have gone back to the
drawing board. I am trying
to figure it out. I am looking
at how to live life right. There
are books to read, advice
from parents. The level
of articulation on this topic
is immense.

I have gained a more personalized
understanding of the problem,
therefore I will find a solution.

This is a poem I wrote entirely from excerpts from a lecture given in my anthropology class. Even though he was blabbing on and I wasn't following his thought process, I felt like writing down his words, because, strangely, they are very applicable in many different ways. Julie-maybe you will appreciate this poem the most!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I am here. What is here? Right now it is the library on the U of M campus in Missoula, Montana. Where was I before? Oh, various buildings on the campus and before that, Gardiner Montana for a Bluegrass Festival and before that, Seattle Washington for a friends wedding and before that, Necklace Valley in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in Washington for work, and before that, the Gearhart Wilderness in the Fremont National Forest in Oregon and before that, The Diamond Peaks Wilderness in Oregon and before that, the Wenachee National Forest in Washington and before that, the Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge in Washington and before that, the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in Washington and before that, the Malheur National Forest in Oregon and before that the Willamette National Forest in Oregon and before that Eugene, Oregon for Northwest Youth Corps staff training and before that Missoula, Montana, finishing up another semester of school and before that....well I've lost track so why should you keep track?

Thursday, May 10, 2007
